Do you have tons of paper bills piled up on your desk? The first step in cleaning out the clutter is adding less of it. Long Island Insurance Executive Gregg Marcus makes it easy to get and stay organized with paperless billing! With a Paperless insurance policy, you receive your bills and most other policy documents electronically instead of paper copies that are delivered by U.S. mail. This is the fastest and most convenient way to reduce your mail burden and do some good for the environment too! The best part? It’s FREE to eligible customers.To read this post in it's entirety, click here to visit the Gregg Marcus official website.
Why Enroll in Paperless Billing?
- With a Paperless policy, your documents are stored securely online and you print only documents you need. You benefit the environment while gaining convenience and accessibility.
Gregg S. Marcus is a Long Island-based humanitarian, philanthropist and insurance executive. If you are in need of any kind of insurance on Long Island, Gregg can assist you. He handles Property & Casualty Insurance and all business insurance as well as personal policies. In addition to business success in the insurance industry, Gregg Marcus donates his time to many charitable organizations.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Gregg Marcus is Going GREEN! Paperless Billing Now Available
Here is an excerpt from a new blog post at