By deciding to purchase disability insurance, you have taken a positive step in protecting future income in the case of a debilitating accident. Whether you have an individual long-term disability policy that you purchased from an insurance agent or a group disability policy provided by your employer, what happens next is the same. In this blog post, Gregg S. Marcus, a Long Island Insurance Executive discusses what happens after you apply for disability insurance.To read this post in it's entirety, click here to visit the Gregg Marcus official website.
The first thing that happens is that you will receive a phone call from the insurance company to review some of the questions on the application and to have you re-answer the medical questions. This may seem redundant since you may have already answered the same questions, but his step ensures that the underwriter has all of the information he/she needs and that there are no discrepancies on your application. In many cases, the next step is to take a medical exam. The exam consists of taking your height and weight, blood pressure and pulse and obtaining a urine and blood sample. If you apply for a very high amount of coverage, and/or you are over a certain age, you may be required to do a resting EKG. The insurance company covers the cost of the exam.
Gregg S. Marcus is a Long Island-based humanitarian, philanthropist and insurance executive. If you are in need of any kind of insurance on Long Island, Gregg can assist you. He handles Property & Casualty Insurance and all business insurance as well as personal policies. In addition to business success in the insurance industry, Gregg Marcus donates his time to many charitable organizations.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
FAQ: What Happens After I Apply for Disability Insurance?
Here is an excerpt from a new blog post at