In these tough economic times, it is important to try and save money wherever you can. Since every driver needs car insurance, this is a great place to start saving money. In this post, Long Island Insurance Executive, Gregg S. Marcus lists the top five questions to ask your insurance representative before deciding on a policy or renewing your current one to save more money.To read this post in it's entirety, click here to visit the Gregg Marcus official website.
1. Do I have too much coverage?
Depending on your current financial situation and the age and condition of your vehicle, it may make sense to drop some of your coverage. Thorough insurance coverage compensates for your car, medical expenses, a rental car, loss of wages and even psychological/emotional distress. However, if you have comprehensive medical coverage and enough money to replace your car in the event of an accident, there is no need for collision or comprehensive coverage.
Gregg S. Marcus is a Long Island-based humanitarian, philanthropist and insurance executive. If you are in need of any kind of insurance on Long Island, Gregg can assist you. He handles Property & Casualty Insurance and all business insurance as well as personal policies. In addition to business success in the insurance industry, Gregg Marcus donates his time to many charitable organizations.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Save Money on Your Car Insurance With These 5 Questions
Here is an excerpt from a new blog post at