Here is an excerpt from a new blog post at
In a word yes, a homeowner can request a decrease on their policy, however, it is required that a client purchase the full percent of the insurance value. This of course means the client must buy the amount of coverage necessary to be able to cover the full value of the home in the instance of a tragedy. In this post, Long Island Insurance Executive, Gregg S. Marcus explains how to request a decrease on your policy and answers the following questions commonly brought up when discussing an adjustment to your homeowner’s insurance.
What if I think my coverage is too high?
If you think that your home is over insured it is important that you immediately contact your insurance agent and inform them of this belief. Your agent will have access to computer software which can help determine your unique and personal insurance rate. Costs such as your loan amount, tax assessment, and sale price, contrary to popular belief do not affect your rate.
To read this post in it’s entirety,
click here to visit the Gregg Marcus official website.