In this day and age it is important to shield our assets from the array of damages which may harm them. One of the leading assets of an individual is their vehicle. Automobiles are a costly purchase and with the crime relating to them bursting in recent times it is important to be cautious when purchasing auto insurance. This causes it to be mandatory. Car insurance is the perfect way to protect your automobile against danger via an accident or thievery. In this post, Long Island Insurance Executive, Gregg S. Marcus provides the best tips to finding the best auto insurance for you as well as explains the best ways to stay safe on the road.To read this post in it's entirety, click here to visit the Gregg Marcus official website.
Before selecting a policy, there are a few items you must take into consideration:
- Before purchasing auto insurance be sure to get as many quotes as possible, as it is vital that you shop around. You never know the best deal you can get unless you shop around. Depending on the company and the coverage you wish to have your insurance premium can vary greatly
Gregg S. Marcus is a Long Island-based humanitarian, philanthropist and insurance executive. If you are in need of any kind of insurance on Long Island, Gregg can assist you. He handles Property & Casualty Insurance and all business insurance as well as personal policies. In addition to business success in the insurance industry, Gregg Marcus donates his time to many charitable organizations.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Car Insurance Tips Guide
Here is an excerpt from a new blog post at