Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ways to Obtain the Cheapest Auto Insurance

Here is an excerpt from a new blog post at

Most individuals when asked how much their car costs them a month, they simply reply by explain what their car loan is monthly. People at often times do not take into consideration maintenance, gas, and usually the most expensive aspect, insurance. Lowering your insurance is one of the simplest and most effective ways to lower the cost of your commute, and can usually be accomplished with just a simple phone call to your insurer. In this post, Gregg S. Marcus, a Long Island Insurance Executive explains the most useful ways to lower your car insurance and therefore make your overall car expenses less.

Feel free to visit as many insurers as you would like and compare their prices. It is important to shop around as many insurance companies offer a variety of premiums and coverage that may differ from company to company and in turn vary greatly in price. The insurance industry is that of a rather large one, therefore there is a lot of competition and a lot of room to negotiate.

To read this post in it's entirety, click here to visit the Gregg Marcus official website.